Advisory and support in sourcing of working capital, structured finance for equipment and machinery, restructuring, Independent reviews, debt solutions among other related finance services.
Due diligence and transaction advisory to investing clients. I have deep insights on the local markets to provide tailored package to meet unique client needs. A good investment should generate decent returns and liquidity within reasonable risk levels
On demand basis, tailored Masterclasses on family business management, Investment and debt solutions through www.greenfin.co.ke where I am a Team Leader and Lead Consultant
" Entrepreneurs must strive to generate cash flows to cover operations failing which makes the business becomes a hobby "
– Humphrey Njeru
Laser-focus on working capital management and improved operational processes to achieve both financial and operational efficiency. The primary focus is a sustainable business that can thrive now and in the futureenvironment, gaining unique insights across most economic sectors.
Track record working with Kenyan citizens including those based outside the country to support their projects back at home especially project management for real estate residential Investments