I am a seasoned banking, finance and credit (and debt) and Investment services professional with over 20 years of experience.
Presently working at Green Consultants, a boutique financial and Investment advisory firm, based here in Nairobi, Kenya where I am the Team Leader and Lead Consultant.
At Greenfin, we have a proven track record in business financing, independent credit reviews and restructuring, Investment advisory and continuity management for family owned enterprises. Unleash your business’s potential with our tailored solutions and insights. By optimizing your working capital and streamlining operations, you can achieve sustainable competitive edge and growth
" Entrepreneurs must strive to generate cash flows to cover operations failing which makes the business becomes a hobby "
– Humphrey Njeru
I grew up in a small village surrounded by lush vegetation, dirt road and family farms primarily growing coffee, maize, and bananas in Eastern Kenya.
The snow-capped peaks of Mount Kenya always provided a majestic sight at dawn and dusk, as the sun’s rays illuminated the mountain’s glistening snow. Though much of this is now disappearing as one of the effects of climate change
After performing well at the then rural primary school in the neighbourhood, I was admitted to a leading provincial school in the then-Eastern Province.
With a banking diploma earned in Nairobi, accounting certifications, and a Bachelor’s and MBA obtained from the UK, I have gained the knowledge and skills necessary to drive sustainable growth for businesses